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BLOG Stapelgoed back to the base
October 2018
Back to the basics, that we thought for a while, but to realize it, that's another story. Yet you must do what your heart tells you and that is happening. Beautiful products with a story that we want to make. This autumn we have entered into a new adventure. With our own production in Kenya (where we together with local people) set up a production there. Making beautiful, unique and honest products and directly rewarding the people who make the products there. Beautiful products, happy people and honest work. That gives a good feeling.
But also the cooperation with Sport for Children. A foundation that reclaims old used gym materials from the Dutch gyms and schools, but that are still good enough to be able to relocate in countries where children can not play sports because there are no sports equipment or materials. Some of those materials can not be relocated and we have made beautiful new products again. A part of the proceeds of these items goes to the foundation and they pay for the transports to get the stuff with the children.
You can find all these nice items from Stapelgoed here on this website.
With Stapelgoede greeting,
Alex & Cindy
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